non stop flights offered from palm springs to silicon valley

The Palm Springs International Airport announced recently that they will now offer direct flights from Coachella Valley to Silicon Valley. The new year-round non-stop flights to San Jose began on November 6 through Southwest Airlines.

Southwest Airlines now offers flights from Palm Springs International Airport to Dallas Love, Las Vegas, Oakland, Phoenix, Portland, Denver, and Sacramento.  Flights to Sacramento, Dallas, and Portland however are still offered only seasonally. All flights to every one of the other destinations will be year-round.

Service from Southwest Airlines in Palm Springs is fairly new beginning in November 2020. Since this time business has grown for the airline from the Palm Springs International Airport and it is now one of the largest airlines to fly out of Palm Springs. Southwest Airlines now offers the largest amount of outgoing year-round flights from Palm Springs than any other airline at the airport. This has helped Southwest Airlines to set 14 new passenger records since June 2021.

There is another airline that will also offer direct flights from Palm Springs to San Jose, Alaska Airlines. Southwest Airlines is happy to announce that they have doubled their number of daily flights from Palm Springs offering residents in the Coachella Valley a much easier way of traveling to other destinations they frequently visit.

The airport has seen a large increase in travel through the airport since Southwest has begun servicing Palm Springs. There has been a particularly significant increase in the number of visitors coming into the airport during the summer season. It’s beneficial to all who live in the area as well as those visiting on several levels.

More direct flights make it easier for those who live in Palm Springs seasonally to get back and forth quickly between their two homes. It also allows easier access to the area for visitors making it beneficial to anyone owning investment properties in the area. It also is more convenient for those who live here year-round to travel to other destinations with less hassle for their own vacations or to visit friends and family in these destinations.

No matter the reason for traveling to San Jose you can now do so more easily at any time of the year with a direct flight that takes the hassle out of your traveling. Just another reason to love living in Palm Springs and the greater Coachella Valley.

For more information on living in Palm Springs including Palm Springs area real estate please contact us anytime.